现如今,能让中国大妈早晚不辍,风雨无阻的,当然是风靡全国广场舞(Public/Chinese square dance)。今天我们为小伙伴推送各类舞蹈的中英文详解,还附带方块舞(square dance)的活动邀请彩蛋,让你今年的双十一不再孤单。
Ballet 芭蕾舞
Jazz 爵士舞
Tap 踢踏舞
Hip-hop 嘻哈街舞
Modern 现代舞
Swing 摇摆舞
Belly dance 肚皮舞
Flamenco 弗拉曼柯舞
Latin dance 拉丁舞,包括交谊舞中的Cha-cha, Rumba, Samba等
Folk dance 民族舞
Ballet 芭蕾舞
Ballet serves as a backbone(主干) for many other styles of dance, as many other dance genres(流派) are based on ballet. Ballet is based on techniques that have been developed over centuries. Ballet uses music and dance to tell stories. Ballet dancers have the ability to transport(运送) an audience to another world.
Jazz Dance 爵士舞
(Giordano Dance Chicago in Feelin' Good Sweet, choreographed by Ray Leeper. Photo by Gorman Cook Photography.)
Jazz is a fun dance style that relies heavily on originality(独创性) and improvisation(即兴表演). Many jazz dancers mix different styles into their dancing, incorporating(v.融合 )their own expression. Jazz dancing often uses bold(大胆的), dramatic(夸张的) body movements. To excel in jazz, dancers need a strong background in ballet, as it encourages grace and balance.
Tap Dance 踢踏舞
Tap dancing is an exciting form of dance in which dancers wear special shoes equipped with metal taps(踢踏片). Tap dancers use their feet like drums to create rhythmic patterns(韵律节奏 )and timely beats(节拍).
Hip-Hop Dance 嘻哈街舞
Hip-hop is a dance style, usually danced to hip-hop music, which has evolved from the hip-hop culture. Improvisation(即兴表演) and personal interpretation(n.诠释) are essential to hip-hop dancing.
Modern Dance 现代舞
Modern dance is a dance style that rejects(摒弃) many of the strict rules of classical ballet, focusing instead on the expression of inner feelings. Modern dance was created as a rebellion(反叛) against classical ballet, emphasizing creativity in choreography(编舞) and performance.
Swing Dance 摇摆舞
Swing dance is a lively(充满活力的) dance style in which couples swing(摇摆), spin(旋转)and jump together. Swing dancing is a general term that means dancing to swing music, or music that "swings." How can you tell if a song swings? Swing dancers know when a song swings because when they hear it, they can't stand still.
Belly Dance 肚皮舞
Belly dance is a unique form of dance characterized by sharp(快速猛烈的), rolling movements of the hips and abdomen(腹部). The true origins of belly dancing are debated among enthusiasts(狂热爱好者).
Flamenco 弗拉曼柯舞
Flamenco dance is an expressive(具有表现力的) dance form that mixes percussive footwork(步法) with intricate(细致复杂的) hand, arm and body movements. Flamenco is a Spanish art consisting of three forms: Cante, the song; Baile, the dance; and Guitarra, guitar playing.
Latin Dance 拉丁舞
Latin dance is a fast-paced(快步调的), often sensual(性感的), partner dance characterized by sexy hip movements. However, hip movements are not intentional(刻意的) in any of the Latin dances. The hip motion is a natural consequence of changing weight from one foot to the other.
拉丁舞是一种快步调的性感双人舞蹈。拉丁舞中有大量的臀部动作,然而这些动作并不是蓄意为之,而是双脚之间重心转换带来的自然律动。拉丁舞又可分为恰恰舞(Cha-Cha)、桑巴舞(Samba)、伦巴舞(Rumba)、牛仔舞(Jive)和斗牛舞(Paso Doble)等。
Folk Dance 民族舞
Folk dance refers to a variety of dances developed by groups or communities, as opposed to(而不是) being made up by a choreographer(舞蹈家). There are several types of folk dance including Maypole dance(五月柱舞), Morris dance(莫里斯舞), Nordic polska dance(北欧波斯卡舞), square dance(方块舞), and many more. Folk dances are often performed at social events.
交谊舞(ballroom dance),顾名思义,交谊舞得有舞伴,包括了常见的大多数双人舞:
Cha-cha 恰恰舞
Foxtrot 狐步舞
Jive 牛仔舞
Lindy Hop 林迪舞
Mambo 曼波舞
Paso Doble 斗牛舞
Quickstep 快步舞
Rumba 伦巴
Samba 桑巴
Tango 探戈
Viennese Waltz 维也纳华尔兹
Waltz 华尔兹
最后要着重介绍下方块舞(Square Dancing)。方块舞是最古老的美国民族舞蹈之一,由几种不同的旧世界团体舞蹈演变而来,主要来自于英国的舞蹈,或像其他人说的,来自于法国的卡德利尔舞 (French quadrille) 。
Mountain Dances
舞者围成大圆圈分单数对与双数对分别跳的舞蹈,源自英格兰,流行于美国东南部the Appalachians山脉高地区域。此类舞蹈较为人知的有:Kentucky Running Sets, Tennessee Mountain Dances与Appalachian Circles等。
卡德利尔舞(Quadrilles )
枪骑兵方块舞(The Lancers)
与卡德利尔舞非常类似,但更为高雅的方形舞蹈,分别由6/8, 2/4, 4/4等不同节奏的五段舞曲组合而成。女士们着内吊箍圈的长蓬裙,男士则着挺拔耀眼的军官礼服,该舞自英法传入后流行于当时上流社会。